Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014

Roadtrips Rock.

I am aaaaabsolutely serious about that!!! My daddey is comin' this Friday and on Sunday we'll leave for the Roadtrip (Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Calfornia - booom!) and in exactly 4 weeks minus 2 days we'll go back to my homecountry from LAX. So excited. Just imagine I meet Jamie Campbell Bower, Jensen Ackles, Zac Efron or someone... I think I'd just kinda somehow all of a sudden get married to them. No joke. Maybe I'd be like "Hey, would you say 'yes' for me?" And then I'd just give 'em a ring and be like "I'm so happy we're eventually married!!!" (And they'd be like WTF!!!)

Naah. Let's be realistic. I gotta become an actress first, and then we'll work it out!

Anyway. Nooo lesson for today... Just wanted to say Hi and that in 4 weeks I'll start posting more often, since I'll have more time. At least I hope so ... Haha. Weall, anyway, I hope y'all are awesome and have an amazing time, and if you don't, I'll send you a virtual hug (: Everything's gonna be okay, in the end.

Looove youuuu! 

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